Friday 17 January 2014

Slimming world - the first week

So... As earlier post stated; I re-started slimming world... 
And in my first week I lost 3lbs! Chuffed! Now I'm not going to say that I stuck to it 100% I would probably say 75% I stuck to it... Maybe more; for the majority of it I felt in control. Porridge for breakfast, then mugshots for lunch and then for dinners this week we've mainly had stir fry purely for the fact that they are quick and easy to do. Some pitfalls; for example. Sunday dinner was at M's parents a dinner that I had no control over. Then there was the offer of Xmas pud; handmade by M, how could I refuse? Monday to be honest I delved into the chocolates and again I've done it this morning whilst sewing... Why do I sabotage myself. Lesson this week is to get more supplies in! 
Plus this week I went to the gym and I've booked myself a programme review which is tomorrow. So let's see how that goes! 

Monday 13 January 2014

Survived the weekend..

So first slimming world weekend and I would love to say that I survived 100% nope. Thankfully I was at work so I wasn't faced with the being-at-home-with-temptation-all-around feeling... 

So breakfasts were porridge... Lunch was pretty much non existent... Saturday we were out for dinner and cinema and Sunday we had lunch with m's parents, - and then settled down to watch Sherlock... Oh how I love Sherlock... I'm not going to do a blow by blow account of the episode... So if that's what you're looking for - it's not here. 

I'm struggling at the moment. The creative thoughts are just about bubbling but as to what to do with them... It kinda dissapates! Hey ho.

Sorry it's not more... More. But I ain't got nowt right now! 

Friday 10 January 2014

The start of slim

Well, as previous posts have voiced. I am a slimming world fiend. Despite going for years; I rejoined tonight... And have planned and given myself a three month target... And I'm going to bloody well do it! 

I shall post here as I go; and let's see if this motivates me any!!!

Monday 6 January 2014

Oh OPI how I love you, let me count the ways...

OPI Colors (@OPIColors)
All life is an experiment. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson…

Saw this and thought how very me; I rarely follow instructions when putting things together; I adapt; I change ( or I like to think I do). But I also love nail varnish... Especially OPI! The names are a hoot... That's part of the appeal as well as the gorgeous colours! Saying that I am on an Essie trend at the moment! 

Excuse brevity, sent while mobile.

Banana Bread from John Barrowman

Sarah Millican (@SarahMillican75)
Well @Team_Barrowman's banana bread was a success. And the added bashed up chocolate buttons were a naughty extra. Recipe on BBC website.

Some would say that Bananas are like John Barrowman... Love him or hate him. Personally I love him... Always have; and with all the singing, I love... And Dr Who/Torchwood - love (although am more Dr Who than Torchwood). And bananas; personally I love them; but I am very picky about them; I can't eat bruised ones; that is when they go to the banana made heaven which is banana bread, which is why I picked up this recipe on twitter. When I give it a go I'll be sure to post! 

Excuse brevity, sent while mobile.

Indigestion strikes again

Hi! I write at an hour that I really wish I would be asleep at. However, it is not to be.  So rather than loose out on these "additional" waking hours, what have I done?

  1. Read a few blog posts about filofaxing
  2. Watched a few YouTube videos as above
  3. Rejigged filofax
  4. Tackled some CBT tasks with vigour.... Such as my routine, necessary and pleasurable activities, and writing some smart goals (they're more at goal stage rather than the detailed smart goal stage
  5. Yoga to try and ease indigestion (it works! Try the twists!) 
  6. Writing this blog
So, you see... I haven't wasted my time! 

I am really becoming a fan of Philofaxy. Link here It is a resource of all things filo, and organising! And plus they provide links to other like minded blogs! I admit, I am a newbie when it comes to being a filofaxer... But I have had my current filofax for probably the last 3 years or so? I can't actually remember where I got it, whether it was john Lewis, or eBay. I have a sneaking suspicion it may have been john Lewis... But considering the price of my filofax is currently £79.... I doubt very much whether I would have paid anywhere near that! 
So with the enthusiasm gleaned from the blogs and YouTube videos I set to a sort out. Earlier today I had moved my diary portion from the start of the binder to the middle. I did this so that it is easier to write on... Not sure how I feel about everything else being distributed, and after years of sticking with the filofax set up... It's going to take more than the few hours it has been to get used to it. I also removed the mocked up dividers I made... There were too many and they were bulking up my binder, so they went. Then I decided that I wanted to include my CBT  notes (of sorts) so I set to writing them, and now they have been out under my Health and Fitness tab. 

So, the CBT... Well, long story how that came about. I did write a blog about that area of my life... I'll post the link to that here when I get the chance to. But lest to say that, things certainly feel easier than they have done, and Im gradually coming to terms with the fact that life changes us, and sometimes life makes those changes when we're not quite ready, but it happens, and we have to deal with it. I honestly look back at 2012 and think, where the hell did the year go?  Despite having THE most amazing holiday, 2012 feels like it  was a bit of a nothing year... I mean that in the sense that I almost have no recollection of what happened, and what I do remember feels like it happened to somebody else. But 2012 was really the year when my creativity flowed... I had the time to knit, and that was all I wanted to do, was to knit... Anywhere. Everywhere. And boy am I thankful for that. 

Ok, well it's approaching 1:40am GMT, I'm awake, along with what appears to be one other residence in my block (that I can see from my window) I am getting quite tired now... And having written what has seemed to be a long post, I will stop now for fear of rambling. Plus, the more tired I get, every time my heater clicks or rumbles it makes me jump... I need my sleep, I need my bed! 

Until next time. 

Thursday 2 January 2014

Organised knitting

Here I am blogging about two of my favourite current topics... Knitting and organising! 

It struck me whilst working on the socks... Just reaching the toe on sock one; that for what I've learnt making this sock what can I do differently next time. So I made some notes then thought ah; this would be helpful next time... So I utilised my sticky tabs and put them on the pattern sheet.. Like so.. 
So when I go next time I have the notes there but I can take them off when needed. I thought I was quite savvy with it! :-) 

My fellow crafty creator seems to be having some tough times at the moment. It makes me sad because she is fan-tab-u-lous but I sent her some happy tweets and happy hugs through the ether and I think she's doing ok! I may get her to write a post for my blog! She's made some fabulous items. Foods and crafts! You must check her out. Here is her most recent post:

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy New Year!

The title says it all really! Happy new year to you! Whoever you are, wherever you may be, I hope that this new year brings you whatever you hope it to. 

My plans, aims and aspirations? 
- to blog more coherently... And then maybe someone, somewhere will stay a while, or leave a comment? That makes me sound needy doesn't it? 
- take more photographs - I have a lovely camera, and treated myself to photoshop in the Amazon flash sale.... I really should take advantage of that. 
- be more organised - I guess this has already started, what with my new found love for my filofax! 
- create more... Knitting and sewing! As well as baking.... Which is what this blog started out to be! 
- save more - money money money. I've got to make it and save it, I'm not talking about printing money and stashing it... I'm talking about earning the money and making an effort to save it! 

What I have also created, is an additional page which I plan to use as the happiness jar. It's a place where I can make a record of all the nice things which happen.... There's one in there today. 

So. How did you celebrate the new year? We stayed in, in our PJ's with our favourite, an Italian feast! yummy! I stayed up to watch the fireworks, then Gary Barlow, and a bit of Jools Holland.  I am thankful that at the fireworks they didn't have the obligatory couple and a proposal... My social network feeds have been full of #shesaidyes this holiday season! 

Had a lovely day today... Albeit a little tired. But it was a good day.... The new Sherlock episode was out! And a good one it was too! So glad the series has started again... I am definitely what you would call a "Cumber-bitch" :-) 

Anyhow, ramblings a done for this eve... Back to work tomorrow... For one day and then four days off! And in those days off there is another Sherlock episode!