Monday, 25 November 2013

I'm sorry your blog appears to have been delayed

We'd like to apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused...

I don't know why I haven't. Well I do. It's been busy and I've also had the winter throat cold bug which seems to have been doing the rounds. 

So last Monday. We went to see Gravity. Pretty awesome I must say, espesh in 3D. It actually made me move in my seat (remember when 3D first came out and it'd make you jump? It's like that).
Tuesday.. M's mums birthday so round there for presents, takeaway and a movie 'now you see me' also very good and well worth a watch!
Wednesday was the knit stitch munch nuch at my mums... But a nightmare day as I forgot my phone... So had no way of making final arrangements.
Thursday; normally my slimming world day, but Thursday was the London album launch for the suburban dirts. You should go check them out. iTunes/amazon... Just do it. 

Friday: a day off! And had planned to go Xmas dec shopping with M and meet a friend. But I felt so poorly with this bug that I just couldn't. It was even a struggle to bathe! So my darling mother came over and took me out for hot Choc... And to get vitamins! 
Saturday and Sunday I had to work.. Which wasn't too bad but I didn't have access to all the computer system as I had hoped! But I got a fair bit done... 
And now today I've done some more crafting and creatin... Also did baking yesterday; snicker doodles and scones. Very yummy. My scones could be lighter though. 
I made up a Christmas present! 

I've quickly written up this post and will publish so that it looks like I'm still here. I'll update it with pictures and videos wen I'm at computer! 

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