Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Quick fly by

Bit of a delay me getting round to post.. I've been quite active on the creative front... I've made a dress; I've knitted some pumpkins and I've made bread... All in all I feel quite satisfied with what I achieved! 

Thursday, 17 October 2013

My Nails

My nails are one if my creative outlets... Here is a selection! 
Run to the beat nails 

Half moon nails - still needs practice! 

First attempt at stamping 

Totally tropical


Up inspired 

Suited and booted 


Think that's a few for now! 

Wednesday, 16 October 2013


I started another blog.

I've lost count of the times I have started one... Let's see if I can get this one off the ground!

A quick intro, from me to you... A little you can probably guess from the title... I like being crafty and creative...

Knitting, stitching, baking, make up, nails, hair... And this blog will be a way of sharing my exploits with you!

Please comment... It'd be nice to hear from you...